私たちがよく聞かれる質問のひとつです。 私たちは「コミュニケーション」を「デザイン」している会社です。 具体的には「ことば」(語学研修・通訳・翻訳・ライティングなど)と 「デザイン」(グラフィック・ロゴ・小冊子・パンフレット制作など)を通し、 人と人、人とモノがつながるサービスを提案しています。 語学とデザイン、一見無関係のように感じる方が多いと思います。しかし、私たちは「ことば」と「デザイン」は、人との関わり合いや物事の理解をより深める重要なコミュニケーションツールだと考えています。 「どのように話したら、人に伝わるか。」 「どのように見せたら、人に伝わるか。」 お客様の「想い」を最良の方法で伝えるために、私たちは仕事をしています。 エルスリーで働いている人たちは、様々なバックグラウンド、様々な経験をしてきた人たち。だからこそ、たくさんのアイデアが出てきます。
Here at L3 Inc., our name is more than just a name. It is an approach to both our work and our lives!
Our name, L3, stands for the three "L" words that make up our core values. These three, simple words are represented in our logo and are stamped on everything we do. Those three simple words are, Live. Love. Learn. LIVE Please consider for a moment the astronomically low chances that we have been even born into this amazing world. And think of the myriad events that have transpired that brought you to this website today. Life really is good! With this is mind, at L3, we know that we have the choice and the opportunity to lead the life we want, and to be who we are meant to be. First and foremost, being a part of the L3 team is to help each other LIVE that life. LOVE In all likelihood, this probably means something unique to us all. At L3, “love” is the passion we share for life, for our work, and for creating remarkable moments together. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Thank you, Steve. (click to see it for yourself) LEARN To LEARN is to move beyond what we think we are capable of. To be willing to LEARN is to have the confidence to know that what we do not know does not limit us, rather it pushes us to higher and better places. While we will never know everything, we will always continue to move forward with the confidence that we will learn together along the way. To truly LEARN is to grow, welcome change, to be inspired and in turn inspire others, and above all, enjoy our lives. These three simple words are the glue that bind us all together here at L3. And now with teammates from seven counties, speaking six languages, we can’t wait to meet the next member of our team! Please get in touch and talk to us about how we can work together. James Molloy Executive Director, L3 Inc. |